Reservation is a crime against humanity
Also read: Reservation Vs. Communism
A letter to the president What is common between German Holocaust, Srilankan Genocide (that wiped off all the top-performing Tamils in 1950's and became a seed for today's crisis), Russia's communism and India's reservation? They are all wars against a performing minority by unperforming majority. Worse, the war is so subtle that the victims are deaf against the drums of war. It is a slow and painful torture...
I wrote my previous post on the draconian proposals to introduce the concept called 'Reservation' (which literally means, specific sections of society should be entitiled to a minimum number of positions in an institution regardless of how poor r they for the slated position) in India's elite institutions. The article was quoted in Times of India. Few people wrote me back. From their opinion and from what I found on other news sources, so many people favored reservation should be based on economic or dwelling place background (people from rural places should get a preference). The biggest problem in this approach is the concept of reservation itself. I'm not saying that reservation should not be based on caste, etc. I'm saying that there should nothing called reservation itself - be it based on caste, sex, economic level, etc.
I believe that institutions should be based on performance, just as how the sports are based on pure performance. If someone doesnt have a skill to score century, forget becoming a Tendulkar. U cant become a Tendulkar or Agassi or Schumi unless u perform like them. Simple!!! It nurtures competition, inspiration and motivation. It also helps the society know who is a TEndulkar differentiated from some poor batsman. Tendulkar is Tendulkar, Einstein is Einstein, a donkey is a donkey and A is A.
If suppose Indian cricket board decides that 20% of Indian team should be from rural places, or should go to poor or lower castes, or if olympic committe decides that 30% of olympic medals should go to underprivileged wont you consider the proposal bullshit? Or suppose, if the Nobel committee decides that some poor scientist X's work is better than Einstein's Relativity just because X is poor or from underprieveleged sex or community, wont you feel the committee is doing injustice to science? Reservation is not just illogical and stupid, but it is a crime against humanity. By giving the undeserved a place, you r denying the life for a deserving candidate. Whenever you reserve specific portions in an institution you kill the hopes and aspirations of those young guys, whose life is destroyed by denying him/her a place. You are also belittling the good performers from those underprivileged sections, who would have won positions on merit. By providing reservation for seats for poor performers in their community, the entire society would see even that good performer as someone who is unworthy of merit. This cycle of guilt and inferiority complex would run ad-infinitum. Thus, there wont be any motivation for persons from those communities to perform and only this can bring down their community, and not the absence of their people in the big institutions.
Reservation based on any criteria - caste, creed, background, economy, sex... denies a good performer a chance, in the society. You are unjustly punishing him/her for the sole act of good performance. Once a society punishes a performer for good performance, the society loses its right to E X I S T.... (In case of Germany, millions were dead and Europe was transformed, for Russia it collapsed and disintegrated and Sri Lanka has plunged into an everlasting crisis. Which one of these paths, do you desire for INDIA?)
Arjun Singh :- We have decided to introduce reservation quota in Islam
Osama :- See I am a Sunni. So we are like your brahmin community. You can
take the Shia"s . They are the muslim dalits.
Arjun Singh:- Ok. In that case we will have a reservation for the Shia's.
Ayatollah Khoemeini:- Bastards, let me tell you...the Sunni's are
worse than ST's n BC's n OBC's.
Arjun Singh:- Ok. Today there is a meeting with Laloo Prasad and Mulayam. We
will decide whom to give the special status.
Gadaffi:- Wow this sounds good....let me introduce this trend in my country.
There's nothing much to do nowadays.
Musharraf:- The Indians definitely inspire the world. Look at pakistan. We are busy sorting out
the reservation quota.
OBC - Khan, Sheikh
SC - Mujawar, Ali, Anwar
ST - Mujaheeds ( LeT, Jaish e Mohammad)
Rasheed Sheikh, that was an interesting illustration of this pandora's box. Reservation is also against minorities and to remove this injustice, we should remove the whole concept itself, otherwise we would face a clan struggle, like you suggested
I demand 100% reservation all over india for SC/ST/OBC. Nobody can stop that anyways. Manmohan Singh, Abdul Kalam and Sonia Gandhi all are educated people. Don't you think so? If not sure let me tell you "Yes they are?". These people who have power and see the country going down the drain just want power. Why shouln't them. Who will oppose them? Nobody cares about country anyways. So I demand 100% reservation. Please Arjun Singh if you are reading this blog (Wish you could) go ahead with 100% quota.I will support you. But at the same time I need just one new law to be passed by our great impressive silent useless judicial system to give immunity to all nonquota people from all crimes including murder, robbery, gang violence and whatever else is out there. The people from non quota have only the crimes in their future and you are making sure that brilliant people join crime and stupid ones government. What a combination for shining India. Our future is secure and we wish well for our beloved country.
I appeal to our judges to pass this new law giving immunity to all brilliant people from any crimes because that's there future.
No need to worry with 100% reservation. Are you? With 100% reservation all non quota people can start their crime career using their god gifted mind at their childhood and this way they will be master in their domain by the age of 20 or so. It will be fun to see a country where good brains working on crime side and rotten ones on stopping them(if they know that's what they need to do).
that was interesting. I wish u had put ur name.
Hi dev,
I agree that this would surely be derogatory for our OBC friends, as they would be portrayed in poor light.
@anonymous- An usual stupid article.
1 "The people from non quota have only the crimes in their future and you are making sure that brilliant people join crime and stupid ones government."
I agree with this...But this was done already by "MANU" in MANU DHARMA which rottened the whole country by not doing nothing to the common people and created just "muggers" and a trained living robots.
2) "Are you? With 100% reservation all non quota people can start their crime career using their god gifted mind at their childhood "
God gifted children after 60 years of independence also have not brought more than just 3 NOBEL AWARDS in science..
1 Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar &
2 C.V. Raman,( Brahmin and both are relatives)
3 Har Gobind Khorana,( Non-brahmin)
what about 80 % of merit students studying in ellite institutes. Are the merit students work for country. No they are under imperialism and self centric. So whatz the point in discussing "BOGUS MERIT" theory.
CAT training centers: Fees?/location
JEE training centers:Fees?/location
ENGG enterance training centers:
Fees ? /location
"A" class school : Fees?/location
(check the percentage of Dalit/OBC/BC in the above training centers )
who are attending the above?.
Only the so called "Bright society" who got educated from the british before leaving india.
Who are they?. They were the old children of manu's (2000 yrs) reservation. So the competition was never opened to all implicitly.
Even a donkey can be trained to do clear the so called merit exams, if it have enough Money and proper communication/city based life.
4) Much of the lower castes were not to be taken as the ones as defined in vedas or any hardcore hindu sacred texts. Lower castes also include the society which opposed varna's based division/buddhism/jainist followers in a hindu conquered kingdoms...
5) "The first question that arises therefore is are all the SC/ST category people economically
weaker than the forward class students?"
The same question that arises therefore is are all the forward category people economically
weaker than the SC/STs students?
Go and compare the percentage...
Reservation is for not economically backward classes
The last anonymous writing is clearly the writing of someone who understands the debate, the issues and makes a clear point.
The blogger on the other hand is merely emotional and resorts to verbatim jibber-jabber.
He definitely seems book smart (from his webpage) but has little to offer by way of logical thinking to the issue. So he should just STOP.
If this is the nature and implementation of intelectual thought among the priviledged learned, it is clear as to who needs reservation.
Why not reservations:
1. In the Indian Parliament – out of 542 at least 266 (49%) seats should be reserved dalits. This would ensure that the “peoples’ representatives” would be at least expected to be honest in their intentions and perhaps better serve the Dalit Cause.
2. In the government – out of the five most important portfolios (going by the zest with which these are chased by our spotless politicians), Defence, Home, Finance, Railways and External Affairs, at least two should go to the Dalits. In one case (unresolved because of vagaries of nature and arithmetic) the portfolio should alternate between a Dalit and a non-Dalit (can’t find a better way to describe OTHERS) every six months.
3. In the armed forces – 49 of every 100 officers / soldiers should be from SC / ST / OBC …………
4. In the list of awardees of such institutions (though government controlled) as Bharat Ratna, Padma Vibhushan etc.
5. In awards like Jnanpeeth – every alternate year we should have a candidate from the quota bench
6. In premier institutions like the IIMs and IITs, - half of these should be headed by the Dalits.
7. In every school, college and institutes of any hue and color (aided or not) -have every second teacher / professor from the dalit section.
8. In the health services – every second cancer specialist, brain surgeon, knee joint replacement specialist (a must for our knee jerk politicians) should have Dalit Card.
9. In the space program – if you can’t find a suitable candidate from the dalit bench, scrap our (OVER)ambitious trek to the MOON. Guys, are we not “misoverestimating” ourselves.
10. In Indian cricket team and for that matter in any other national or state level sports teams.
11. In the film industry – every second film should have lead actors from the quota. Likewise the director, music composer, song & script writer should all be from the dalit category.
Our unscrupulous politicians are destroying the country to gain votes. Nobody talks about the real issues. Check out the government run schools – some have them don’t have teachers and even a roof over their heads. PC has been fleecing us every day in the name of EDUCATION CESS but results are there for each one of us to see. Every year these are the institutions we have the most dismal results. Our worthy politicians talk about brain drain. These scoundrels are making all efforts to see that we including our brains rot in the drain that they are making our country of. I can understand and empathize with the feeling the Manipuris, Nagas, Kashmiris and scores of others have as a result of decades of insensitiveness to their needs and feelings. Every day, thousands of illegal aliens are entering the country. Nobody bothers. In fact they are the future vote prospects of our netas and their babalogs (waiting in the wings for their dadas & papas to conk off and take over). I don’t want to go into raptures of minority / majority (in any case, as we are given to understand by our worthy netas, dalits in this country form 80% of the population), I only like to see what is right and wrong for the country at large).
this is in response to the comments made y anonymous in support of reservations.
If you think that people with merit are not serving this country, what proportion of people who claim reservation are serving this country. I am from Hyderabad and I can tell 90% of eng students go to USA irrespective of their reservation status.
You are saying that an donkey can get in to elite educations if they have money. There are many donkeys in city who live in cities and have money. Why do they need reservations.
Reservation is not a solution for uplifting socailly suppressed people. Government is working it as a easy solution and also a cheap vote bank policy. If a person has become a doctor using reservation policy why the hell his children need reservation. They are already have a value in society. Government can not abolish the reservation policy because no party has the guts.
They should atleast can do folowing things
Children of a person who used reservation can not claim reservation
one can use reservation only oce in his life time
like for education or job or promotion.
You can claimm reservation at every place- School, Gradutaion, POst graduation, Jobs, Promotions where does it end.
You should analyse your statements.
Naveen Malay
reservation in india should be stopped when "a brahmin guy marries a sc girl and a poor sc guy marries a poor brahmin girl" and the whole indian society doesnt have problem with it
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