Is RBI handling inflation correctly? Part 3

In general, an interest rate hike dampens growth rate by squeezing liquidity (more money is absorbed by bank deposits, bonds and other fixed instruments) and make credit unaffordable (businesses have to pay more money on the loan). An exchange rate hike rate will discomfort exporters and help importers leading to a more bigger trade imbalance, and might again dampen economic growth. But, when we have to choose the lesser of two evils, the choices are not so clear. A point to be taken is between 1970s to 1990s when Rupee tumbled so much, did our exporters become very strong?

But, this is where nominal and real exchange rates come into place. To put it simply, if the exchange rate changes there will be some impact on the price of production of the car. The movement from Rs.50/$ to Rs.40/$ will reduce inflation and can reduce the wage rises and domestic production costs. More importantly, you could import the components like engines, tires and steel bodies far more cheaply and the production of the car might fall much below Rs. 2million if other things are equal. The converse is also true, a runaway inflation and high import costs can offset whatever gains exporters get from a depreciating rupee as seen in the previous 20 years. Thus, if the central bank manages appropriately, the rupee appreciation can help a lot of sectors to get stronger, though in the short term they will be squeezed. In effect it is sector specific - the dependency of a particular sector on imports and domestic wages.
India's main exports include - Petroleum, Gems and Jewellery, IT services & Software, Textiles and emerging sectors like Auto, Pharma and Electronics.
Petroleum and Chemicals: India is oil poor, but still Petroleum is one of its top exports. Weird is it not? Iran imports good amount of its gasoline from India. Its primarily because of the Administered Pricing Mechanism for oil, where oil distribution companies have to sell things at a loss while private refiners are under no such compulsion. Result: private refining companies like Reliance and Cairn sell or plan to sell most of production abroad earning their actual value, while public sector companies like IOC and BPCL stand like losers. Politics apart, this indirectly helps India to have a very good refining capacity and become a good power in petro chemicals. But, this industry is not going to be much affected by exchange rate hikes as most of the export component is imported thus, profit dents will be marginal at best.

IT Services and Software: This is my favorite industry :) and if this industry is impacted who cares. There is much more cushion and slack in this industry than any other India's export industry and whatever perceived competition of China, Vietnam etc, they are not gonna be too soon to take advantage of this currency appreciation. This industry has its own problems like runaway wage appreciation and talent shortage, and compared to them exchange rate is still a minor thing. $1 still equals Rs.41+ and in India even now Rs.10000/month ($250) can earn a reasonable middle class living for a family of 4. So, most people demand more wages just because the companies could afford to give it. Surely, the current condition of an IIT professor or the Prime Minister receiving lesser wages than some startup junkie moving one file from this computer to another is not a perpetually sustainable one. And the sector is fat enough from a lot of tax holidays. Time for milking this holy cow.
Since, this exchange rate uniformly applies to all Indian IT companies they can uniformly cap wage hikes and with a very good margin they can still thrive in the competition. Thus, this sector does not deserve much merit in including for exchange policy settings and surely if Indian IT companies die out in competition, exchange rate will be the last thing in the post-mortem list.

Emerging Industries: These include Auto, Electronics and Pharma where India is not a major power yet but have a good future. We export a good amount of design and we still dont have much competition as we operate in a niche. For example, Indian pharma companies have established themselves as leaders in Generic drugs, in Electronics we operate on chip design etc and Auto we are into designing reliable components. In my opinion, we still have more margins to be worried about immediate exchange rate crisis. If the government sets up a proper environment and enables progressive policies, this sector can go far beyond the current level
and the government must step up huge investment in these sectors that in the future could become cash cow for us. Personally, I would like the government to shift tax holidays and sops to these industries from the IT services and software, as the latter has matured enough.

Tourism and Services: Finally tourism. Again, the asset prices affects hotel rates so much that it is far more cheaper to stay at Manhattan than a rundown Bangalore, even in dollar terms. So, the asset prices have to be cooled to make India a good player in tourism and exchange rate appreciation will reduce the cost of buying planes and fuel for airlines, making India travel cheaper and competitive. And we have far more potential to be achieved in sectors like Medical tourism and cultural tourism, apart from NRI tourism, so this sector has only one way to go (up).
What does a "software design engineer" in the MS core OS group do? Just curious what constitutes "design" in this environment. What's the breakdown of time spent on design (reading papers, thinking about constraints) versus implementation (coding)?
Thank you for taking time to write such good articles for us
I hate racists. I think they should have their own washrooms, their own schools, their own designated place on city buses. Maybe a set curfew, lower wages. Hell, why not make 'em wear an armband with a big "R" on it. That woukd be nice.
I love being prejudice towards racists, don't you?
very good article!! informative..
People from India amaze me with their honesty and their hgard working nature. Bravo on a great blog!!!
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Utilizing Google Dude
i expected a bit more from this third part.
trying to analayze how things are going to play out, and what is the best approach to keep things balanced.
but it just looks like a wish list which may not be easy to implement.
but i do agree that IT/ITES are causing a huge inflation...because of their absurd wages....but if exchange rate was not controlled other export sectors will also die....
textile does not stand a chance competing with china (thanks to their currency manipulation)
Just browsing the internet, very, very interesting blog.
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